Here is a list of some sources that provide free access to Caribbean data. The list includes data sources for historical, weather, social, economic and other statistics.
CARICOM Statistics Regional Databases
These databases are provided by the Statistics Programme of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat. The data are collected from CARICOM members and includes data on economic and social indicators such as health, vital statistics, tourism, trade, employment, environment, information and communication technology, foreign direct investment, balance of payments, consumer price indices and more.
Caribbean Hurricane Network
Climatology of Caribbean Hurricanes: The Caribbean Hurricane Network provides over 150 years of data relating to the historical analyses of storms including data such as wind speed, category and date of occurrence.
Caribbean Tourism Organization
The Caribbean Tourism Organization publishes statistics on stop over arrivals, arrivals by month, arrivals by main market, cruise passenger arrivals, length of stay, purpose of visit, daily expenditure, restaurant contribution to GDP, occupancy rates and more.
Database of Sexual Health Research and Resources in the Caribbean (DaSHRR)
The DaSHRR provides access to data, reports, government policies and links to databases relating to the impacts of HIV/AIDS throughout the Caribbean.
Derek Gordon Databank
The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social And Economic Studies stores data from Caribbean territories through the Derek Gordon Databank. The databank can provide academic researchers access to country poverty assessment studies and censuses, among other datasets.
DesInventar houses historical data on a wide variety of disasters including earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes and fires. The causes, effects and specific locations of these disasters are also stored in the inventory system, which allows the creation of maps, graphs and consolidated tables.
Developing a comprehensive time series of GDP per capita for 210 countries from 1950 to 2015
This publication contains GDP per capita estimates and outlines how the data was compiled from seven sources.
eBird Caribbean
Species Database: Ebird Caribbean houses an online database that provides observational data on species of birds. The database allows users to access data in real time and explore the activities of birds by region and hotspots. Specific data include: types of birds, location, species arrival and departure dates, maps and more.
EM-DAT International Disaster Database
The Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters provides data and analysis on natural and technological disasters.
International Labour Organization
The International Labour Organization provides access to cross country labour market statistics through the ILOSTAT & LABORSTA databases. Specific data labour force indicators include employment, hours of work, labour cost, consumer price indices, employment injuries, employment activity, consumer prices and more.
International Monetary Fund
This Global Data source contains data on balance of payments, direction of trade, financial statistics, government finance and direction of trade.
IPUMS International
This project harmonizes census data across countries. The data are free to researchers.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Use the Caribbean Climatological Data to find information on statistics such as cloudiness, humidity, precipitation, temperature winds and more.The Historical Hurricane Tracks data provide historical hurricane paths, pressure, winds, category and visual maps.
Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean
The SEDLAC Database provides data on household surveys, income, poverty, aggregate welfare, infrastructure and more.
United States Census Bureau International Database
This International Database contains demographic information by country and region. The data goes back as far as 1950.
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean
The CEPALSTAT has data on demographic and social, economics, environmental, farming, and sustainable development indicators.
World Bank
The World Bank Open Data contains statistics on development indicators including education, external debt, environment, health, infrastructure and poverty.
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